Short bad funny jokes - Page 394

Gorilla jokes

Q: Why do gorillas have big no…

26 Oct , 2009  

Q: Why do gorillas have big nostrils?A: They have big fingers.

Gorilla jokes

A gorilla was walking through …

26 Oct , 2009  

A gorilla was walking through the jungle when he came across a deer eating grass in a clearing. The gorilla roared, ‘Who is the king of the jungle?’and the deer replied, ‘Oh, you are, Master.’The gorilla walked off pleased. Soon he came across a zebra drinking at a water hole. The gorilla roared, ‘Who is […]

Gorilla jokes

Why do primates do so well in …

26 Oct , 2009  

Why do primates do so well in show biz?Put any Ape in the spotlight – and monkeyshines!

Gorilla jokes

Why should you always refuse t…

26 Oct , 2009  

Why should you always refuse to lend an Ape money?It’s dangerous to let him put the bite on you!

Gorilla jokes

Why do waiters like Gorillas b…

26 Oct , 2009  

Why do waiters like Gorillas better than flies?Did you ever hear a customer complain ‘Waiter, there’s a Gorilla in my soup!’

Gorilla jokes

Why do the Gorillas like Jimmy…

26 Oct , 2009  

Why do the Gorillas like Jimmy Carter?They don’t really know – but they’re NUTS about him!

Gorilla jokes

Why do Apes love to go to scho…

26 Oct , 2009  

Why do Apes love to go to school in bad neighbourhoods?They like any jungle – even a blackboard jungle!

Gorilla jokes

Why do Apes like tall building…

26 Oct , 2009  

Why do Apes like tall buildings?They want to climb the heights of the business world!

Gorilla jokes

Why do apes climb to the tops …

26 Oct , 2009  

Why do apes climb to the tops of buildings?The elevator men are on strike!

Gorilla jokes

Why did the Gorilla visit Ital…

26 Oct , 2009  

Why did the Gorilla visit Italy?An advertisement’s headline enticed him – See Ape-les and die!

Gorilla jokes

Why did the Gorilla fail Engli…

26 Oct , 2009  

Why did the Gorilla fail English?He had little Ape-titude!

Gorilla jokes

Why did the Gorilla enlist in …

26 Oct , 2009  

Why did the Gorilla enlist in the ragged continental army?To avoid the draft!