Short bad funny jokes - Page 386

Hair and bald jokes

A guy admired the hair of thre…

17 Nov , 2009  

A guy admired the hair of three girls. He walked by one and asked, “How’d you get such lovely blonde hair” Taking her hand and gently running it through her hair, the girl answered, “It’s natural.” The guy walked by the second girl and asked, “How’d you get such pretty brown hair?” Fluffing her hair, […]

Hair and bald jokes

What do you call a proton with…

17 Nov , 2009  

What do you call a proton with big hair? A ‘froton.

Hair and bald jokes

Why do polo bears like bald me…

17 Nov , 2009  

Why do polo bears like bald men ? Because they have a great, white, bear place !

Hair and bald jokes

Knock KnockWho’s there !Barber…

17 Nov , 2009  

Knock KnockWho’s there !Barber !Barber who ?Barberd wire !

Hair and bald jokes

What side of a monster has mor…

17 Nov , 2009  

What side of a monster has more hair ?The outside !

Hair and bald jokes

How does a barber make phone c…

17 Nov , 2009  

How does a barber make phone calls? He cuts them short.

Hair and bald jokes

What do you get if you cross a…

17 Nov , 2009  

What do you get if you cross a hairdresser and a bucket of cement ?Permanent waves !

Hair and bald jokes

What do you get if you cross a…

17 Nov , 2009  

What do you get if you cross a wireless with a hairdresser ?Radio waves !

Hair and bald jokes

What do you call a policeman w…

17 Nov , 2009  

What do you call a policeman with blonde hair ?A fair cop !

Hair and bald jokes

What do you call a pen with no…

17 Nov , 2009  

What do you call a pen with no hair ?A bald point !

Hair and bald jokes

I want a hair cut please. Cert…

17 Nov , 2009  

I want a hair cut please. Certainly, which one !

Hair and bald jokes

What kind of hair do oceans ha…

17 Nov , 2009  

What kind of hair do oceans have ?Wavy !