Short bad funny jokes - Page 382

Heaven and hell jokes

Two men died and went to Heave…

13 Jan , 2010  

Two men died and went to Heaven. St. Peter greeted them, and said “I’m sorry, gentlemen, but your mansions aren’t ready yet. Until they are, I can send you back to Earth as whatever you want to be.” “Great!” said the first guy, “I want to be an eagle soaring above beautiful scenery!” “No problem,” […]

History jokes

What did King Arthur sleep wit…

13 Jan , 2010  

What did King Arthur sleep with when he was afraid of the dark?A knight light

History jokes

Q: Where does Napolean keep hi…

13 Jan , 2010  

Q: Where does Napolean keep his armies?A: In his sleevies!

History jokes

What did the Pharaohs use to k…

13 Jan , 2010  

What did the Pharaohs use to keep their babies quiet? Egyptian dummies.

History jokes

What do Alexander the Great an…

13 Jan , 2010  

What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common ? They both have ‘the’ as their middle names !

History jokes

What does the 1286BC incribed …

13 Jan , 2010  

What does the 1286BC incribed on the mummy’s tomb indicate ?The registration of the car that ran him over !

History jokes

What did they do at the Boston…

13 Jan , 2010  

What did they do at the Boston Tea Party ?I don’t know, I wasn’t invited !

History jokes

When crossing the Delaware Riv…

13 Jan , 2010  

When crossing the Delaware River why did George Washington stand up in the boat ?He was afraid that if he sat down that someone would give him an oar to row !

History jokes

Abraham Lincoln had a very har…

13 Jan , 2010  

Abraham Lincoln had a very hard childhood, he had to walk 7 miles to school everyday.Well he should have got up earlier and caught the school bus like everyone else !

History jokes

Do you know the 20th President…

13 Jan , 2010  

Do you know the 20th President of the United States ? No, we were never introduced !

History jokes

How did you do in your tests ?…

13 Jan , 2010  

How did you do in your tests ?I did what George Washington did !What was that ?Went down in history !

History jokes

You’ve failed history again !W…

13 Jan , 2010  

You’ve failed history again !Well you always told me to let bygones be bygones !