Short bad funny jokes - Page 375

Horse jokes

What is a horses favourite TV …

19 May , 2010  

What is a horses favourite TV show? Neeeebours

Horse jokes

What is a horses favourite kin…

19 May , 2010  

What is a horses favourite kind of party? A stall ball.

Horse jokes

What is a horse’s favourite sp…

19 May , 2010  

What is a horse’s favourite sport?Stable tennis!

Horse jokes

What has four legs and see jus…

19 May , 2010  

What has four legs and see just as well from either end?A horse with his eyes closed!

Horse jokes

What happened to the man who o…

19 May , 2010  

What happened to the man who owned a riding academy?Business kept falling off!

Horse jokes

What happened to the horse tha…

19 May , 2010  

What happened to the horse that swallowed a dollar bill?It bucked!

Horse jokes

What happened to Lady Godiva’s…

19 May , 2010  

What happened to Lady Godiva’s horse when he saw she had no clothes on?It made him shy!

Horse jokes

What goes into the mouth of a …

19 May , 2010  

What goes into the mouth of a quarter horse?Two bits!

Horse jokes

What goes “Clip”?A one legged …

19 May , 2010  

What goes “Clip”?A one legged horse!

Horse jokes

What equine likes to cut in li…

19 May , 2010  

What equine likes to cut in line?A sawhorse!

Horse jokes

What duo were famous for steal…

19 May , 2010  

What duo were famous for stealing horses?Bonnie and Clydesdale!

Horse jokes

What does it mean if you find …

18 Mar , 2010  

What does it mean if you find a horse shoe?Some poor horse is walking around in his socks.