Why is the old, decrepit horse named Flattery?Because it gets you nowhere!
Why is it difficult to identify horses from the back?They’re always switching their tails!
Why is horse racing so romantic?Because the horse hugs the rails, the jockey puts his arms around the horse and you can kiss your money goodbye!
Why is Dick Clark a favourite star with horses?Because he was a disk jockey from Filly!
Why is an egg like a young horse?Because it can’t be used until it’s broken!
Why is a racehorse like a letter?They both begin a trip at the post!
Why did the man call his horse Fleabag?Because he was often scratched!
Why did the horseman put a saddle on a large loaf of bread?It was a crusty steed!
Why did the horse stir his cereal with his hoof?Because he wanted to feel his oats!