Short bad funny jokes - Page 371

Humor jokes

Two guys are talking:(1) – I’v…

30 Jul , 2010  

Two guys are talking:(1) – I’ve bought a tour to my mother-in-law.(2) – Your mother-in-law???!!!(1) – Why not, to Bagdad.

Humor jokes

Two friends: – I heard that yo…

30 Jul , 2010  

Two friends: – I heard that you have founded a musical band.- Yes, it is a quartet.- How many are you?- We are three.- Three?- Me and my brother.- You have a brother?- No, why do you ask?

Humor jokes

One afternoon, a man was ridin…

30 Jul , 2010  

One afternoon, a man was riding in the back of his limousine when he saw two men eating grass by the road side. He ordered his driver to stop and he got out to investigate. “Why are you eating grass?”, he asked one man. “We don’t have any money for food.”, The poor man replied. […]

Humor jokes

Three men stood before a judge…

30 Jul , 2010  

Three men stood before a judge on a charge of drunk and disorderly conduct in a public park.Judge: What were you doing?1st man: Oh, just throwing peanuts in the pond.Judge: And what were you doing?2nd man: I was throwing peanuts in the pond, too.”Judge: Sounds harmless. And you, were you throwing peanuts in the pond […]

Horse jokes

A man has a racehorse, never w…

30 Jul , 2010  

A man has a racehorse, never won a race. Man in disgust says,” Horse, you win today or you pull a milk wagon tomorrow morning.” The starting gate opens, the horses take-off, they move the gate away and there lays his horse asleep on the track. He kicks the horse and asks, “WHY ARE YOU […]

Horse jokes

Why did the bareback performer…

30 Jul , 2010  

Why did the bareback performer ride his horse? Because it got too heavy to carry.

Horse jokes

A mean horseman went into a sa…

30 Jul , 2010  

A mean horseman went into a saddler’s shop and asked for one spur. “One spur?” asked the saddler. “Surely you mean a pair of spurs, sir?” “No, just one,” replied the horseman. “If I can get one side of the horse to go, the other side is bound to come with it!”

Humor jokes

Why did the janitor take early…

30 Jul , 2010  

Why did the janitor take early retirement? Because he realized that grime doesn’t pay.

Horse jokes

What is the slowest racehorse …

30 Jul , 2010  

What is the slowest racehorse in the world ? A clotheshorse !

Horse jokes

What kind of horse can swim un…

19 May , 2010  

What kind of horse can swim underwater without coming up for air ? A seahorse !

Horse jokes

You said this horse could jump…

19 May , 2010  

You said this horse could jump as high as a ten foot fence and he can’t jump at all.Well neither can a fence!

Horse jokes

You said it was a great horse …

19 May , 2010  

You said it was a great horse and it is.It took twenty other horses to beat him!