Did you hear about the ghoul’s favorite hotel? It had running rot and mould in every room.
After a visit to the circus, Geoff and Don were discussing the thrills and marvels they had seen. “I didn’t think much of the knife thrower, did you?” said Geoff. “I thought he was great!” enthused Don. “Well, I didn’t,” said Geoff. “He kept throwing those knives at that soppy girl but he didn’t hit […]
My mother-in-law has got so many double chins it looks like she is peering over a pile of pancakes.
Mother: Fred, why did you put a slug in your grandma’s bed? Fred: Because I couldn’t find a snake.
How do you cook vegatables in the microwave ? Take them out their wheelchair.
Did you hear about the fire in the rednecks library? Both the books got burned, and one hadn’t even been coloured in yet.
What is the difference between a English actuary and a Sicilian actuary?An English actuary can tell you how many people are going to die next year. A Sicilian actuary can give you their names…
The young wife was in tears when she opened the door for her husband. “I’ve been insulted,” she sobbed. “Your mother insulted me.” “My mother!” he exclaimed. “But she is a hundred miles away.” “I know, but a letter came for you this morning and I opened it.” He looked stern, “I see, but where […]
A young Jewish man excitedly tells his mother he’s fallen in loveand going to get married. He says, “Just for fun, Ma, I’m goingto bring over three women and you try and guess which one I’mgoing to marry.”The mother agrees. The next day, he brings three beautiful womeninto the house and sits them down on […]