This morning I felt that today was going to be my lucky day. I got up at seven, had seven dollars in my pocket, there were seven of us at lunch and there were seven horses in the seven o’clock race – so I backed the seventh. Did it win?No, it came seventh. […]
I’m not rich like Jack, don’t have a mansion like Russell or have a Porsche like Martin but I do love you and want to marry you.I love you too, but what was that you said about Martin !
Do you love me?Of courseThen whisper something soft and sweet in my earLemon meringue pie !
Last night I dreamt I ate a giant marshmallow. When I woke up my pillow was gone !
Why did the knight run about shouting for a tin opener ? He had a bee in his suit of armour !
Did you hear about the man in the electric chair who asked the executioner to reverse the charges ?
Why did the teacher decide to become an electrician? To get a bit of light relief.
What is the most breathless thing on television ? The Pink Panter Show !
The young Southern belle came to the hospital for a check-up. “Have you ever been x-rayed?”, asked the doctor. “Nope,” she replied, “But ah’ve been ultra-violated.”