Short bad funny jokes - Page 348

Idiot and fool jokes

Delmer: How’d you like the pla…

1 Nov , 2010  

Delmer: How’d you like the play last night over at the high school? Parley: I only seed the first act, but not the second. Delmer: Why didn’t you stay? Parley: I couldn’t wait that long. It said on the program, ‘Two Years Later.’

Idiot and fool jokes

Guidry called in Plotke, the p…

1 Nov , 2010  

Guidry called in Plotke, the painter, for an estimate to paint his house. “How much you gonna charge me?” asked Guidry. “Twenty dollars an hour,” replied Plotke. “Good Lord!” exclaimed the home owner. “I wouldn’t pay Michelangelo that price!” “I tell you one thing, mister,” said the painter. “If that guy you mentioned is doin’ […]

Idiot and fool jokes

Calvin went to Pearson’s Pet S…

1 Nov , 2010  

Calvin went to Pearson’s Pet Shop to complain that his canary wouldn’t sing. “File the beak just a little,” said the owner, “and the bird will sing. But if you file it too much, the canary will die.” Two weeks later Pearson ran into Calvin on the street and asked about his canary. “He died,” […]

Idiot and fool jokes

Young Bradley arrived at his d…

1 Nov , 2010  

Young Bradley arrived at his date’s house wearing a shirt that had water dripping from it. “What’re you doin’?” asked his girlfriend. “How come your shirt is soakin’ wet?” “Well,” said Bradley, “it said on the label: WASH AND WEAR.”

Idiot and fool jokes

What has eight legs and an IQ …

1 Nov , 2010  

What has eight legs and an IQ of forty? Four guys watching a baseball game.

Idiot and fool jokes

Did you hear about the dimwit …

1 Nov , 2010  

Did you hear about the dimwit who went to visit his girlfriend and found she didn’t have very much on? He went back nine months later and she had a little moron.

Idiot and fool jokes

Holton sat down in a Green Bay…

1 Nov , 2010  

Holton sat down in a Green Bay restaurant and said to the waitress, “Do you know whether the milk from this dairy is pasteurized?” “Sure is!” she answered. “Every morning they turn the cows out to pasture.”

Idiot and fool jokes

Hoot: How the hell can ya be s…

1 Nov , 2010  

Hoot: How the hell can ya be so stupid? Jessie: Well, it ain’t somethin’ yew can pick up overnight.

Idiot and fool jokes

Did you hear about the rookie …

1 Nov , 2010  

Did you hear about the rookie Rhode Island cop who gave out twenty-two parking tickets before he found out he was at a drive-in movie?

Idiot and fool jokes

Hatton: I ain’t as dumb as I l…

1 Nov , 2010  

Hatton: I ain’t as dumb as I look! Folsom: You couldn’t be!

Idiot and fool jokes

“Can you read Chinese?” “Yes, …

1 Nov , 2010  

“Can you read Chinese?” “Yes, but only when it’s printed in English.”

Idiot and fool jokes

Did you hear about the dimwit …

1 Nov , 2010  

Did you hear about the dimwit who was so dumb he thought Gatorade was welfare for crocodiles?