Short bad funny jokes - Page 337

Insect jokes

What did the spider say to the…

12 Jan , 2011  

What did the spider say to the bee ?Your honey or your life !

Insect jokes

Who is a bee’s favourite paint…

12 Jan , 2011  

Who is a bee’s favourite painter ?Pablo Beecasso !

Insect jokes

What does a bee get at McDonal…

12 Jan , 2011  

What does a bee get at McDonalds ?A humburger !

Insect jokes

What kind of bee can’t be unde…

12 Jan , 2011  

What kind of bee can’t be understood ?A mumble bee !

Insect jokes

Why do bees buzz ?Because they…

12 Jan , 2011  

Why do bees buzz ?Because they can’t whistle !

Insect jokes

What goes zzub, zzub ?A bee fl…

12 Jan , 2011  

What goes zzub, zzub ?A bee flying backwards !

Insect jokes

What bee is good for your heal…

12 Jan , 2011  

What bee is good for your health ?Vitamin bee !

Insect jokes

What are the cleverest bees ?S…

12 Jan , 2011  

What are the cleverest bees ?Spelling bees !

Insect jokes

What is black and yellow and b…

12 Jan , 2011  

What is black and yellow and buzzes along at 30,000 feet ?A bee is an aeroplane !

Insect jokes

What did the confused bee say …

12 Jan , 2011  

What did the confused bee say ?To bee or not to bee !

Insect jokes

What’s a bees favourite flower…

12 Jan , 2011  

What’s a bees favourite flower ?A bee-gonias !

Insect jokes

What did the bee say to the fl…

12 Jan , 2011  

What did the bee say to the flower ?Hello honey !