Insect jokes
12 Jan , 2011
Why did the bees go on strike ?Because they wanted more honey and shorter working flowers !
What does the bee Santa Claus say ?Ho hum hum !
How many bees do you need in a bee choir ?A humdred !
What do you get if you cross a bee with a door bell?A hum dinger !
What’s a bees favourite novel ?The Great Gats-bee !
What TV station do bees watch ?Bee bee c one!
Where do bees keep their money ?In a honey box !
What did the bee to the other bee in summer ?Swarm here isn’t it !
Who is the bees favourite pop group ?The bee gees !
Who is the bees favourite singer ?Sting !
What is the bees favourite film ?The Sting !
What is a baby bee ?A little humbug !