Short bad funny jokes - Page 335

Insect jokes

Who rode a dog and was a confe…

12 Jan , 2011  

Who rode a dog and was a confederate general during the American Civil War ?Robert E Flea !

Insect jokes

How do you find where a flea h…

12 Jan , 2011  

How do you find where a flea has bitten you ?Start from scratch !

Insect jokes

What to you call a Russian fle…

12 Jan , 2011  

What to you call a Russian flea ?A Moscow-ito !

Insect jokes

What is the difference between…

12 Jan , 2011  

What is the difference between a flea and a wolf ?One prowls on the hairy and the other howls on the prairie !

Insect jokes

How do you start an insect rac…

12 Jan , 2011  

How do you start an insect race ?One, two, flea – go

Insect jokes

What do you get if you cross a…

12 Jan , 2011  

What do you get if you cross a rabbit and a flea ?Bugs Bunny !

Insect jokes

What kind of bee can keep an a…

12 Jan , 2011  

What kind of bee can keep an aeroplane dry ?An aero-drone !

Insect jokes

What does a bee say before it …

12 Jan , 2011  

What does a bee say before it stings you ?This is going to hurt me a lot more than it hurts you !

Insect jokes

Why did the queen bee kick out…

12 Jan , 2011  

Why did the queen bee kick out all of the other bees ?Because they kept droning on and on !

Insect jokes

What do bees chew ?Bumble gum …

12 Jan , 2011  

What do bees chew ?Bumble gum !

Insect jokes

Where do bees go on holiday ?S…

12 Jan , 2011  

Where do bees go on holiday ?Stingapore !

Insect jokes

Why do bees have sticky hair ?…

12 Jan , 2011  

Why do bees have sticky hair ?Beacuse of the honey combs !