Internet jokes
5 Aug , 2011
Who writes all his plays on the Internet?Will-e. Shakespeare.
Who looks after the EuroDisney website?Mick e-mouse.
Who is the most popular wizard on the Internet?Har e-potter.
Which of the seven dwarfs use the Internet?Happ-e, Sleep-e, Grump-e, Dope-e and Sneez-e.
What has long ears, hops and likes websurfing?The e-aster bunny.
What goes round the middle of the Internet?The e-quator.
What do you get if you cross an elephant with the Internet?I don’t know, but it’s e-nourmous.
What do you call an Internet mystery?An e-nigma.
What do you call a ghost on the Internet?e-erie.
What do you call a fire at the Internet cafe?An e-mergency.
What did Darth Vader say to the Internet?May the force e-with you.
How do you make rude noises on the Internet?With a whoop e-cushion.