An Irish couple, whose married bliss was not without a few “squalls” received a humble lecture from their priest regarding their disgraceful quarrels. “Why, that dog and cat you have agree better than you.” “If yer reverence’ll tie them together, ye’ll soon change yer mind.”
Mrs. Dugan and Mrs. Riley were talking one day about Mr. Riley and his constant drinking. Mrs. Dugan said, “I have an idea about how to stop him from spending so much time at the pub. Every night he comes home through the cemetery. One night you should get disguised and spook him when he […]
Casey married a rich widow, but they didn’t get along. One day she said to him, “If it wasn’t for my money, that new television wouldn’t be here. If it wasn’t for my money, that grand piano wouldn’t be here. If it wasn’t for my money, this house wouldn’t be here.” Casey mumbled, “If it […]
In West Kerry, the wife commented, “When we were first married, you took the small piece of steak and gave me the larger. You don’t love me any more….” “Nonsense, darling,” replied the husband, “you cook better now.”
Murphy and his wife, a middle-aged couple, went for a stroll in the park. They say down on a bench to rest. They overheard voices coming from a secluded spot. Suddenly Mrs. Murphy realized that a young man was about to propose. Not wanting to eavesdrop at such an intimate moment, she nudged her husband […]
“And how’s yer wife, Pat?” “Sure, she do be awful sick.” “Is ut dangerous she is?” “No, she’s too weak t’ be dangerous anymore!”
Some years ago, Michael J. Flanagan, a successful New York contractor, was standing on the deck of the Staten Island Ferry when a car got loose and sent him into the river where he drowned. The following Sunday his widow, all decked out in deepest black, was standing on the church steps after Mass, receiving […]
“Well, Mrs. O’Connor, so you want a divorce?” the solicitor questioned his client. “Tell me about it. Do you have a grudge?” “Oh, no,” replied Mrs. O’Connor. “Shure now, we have a carport.” The solicitor tried again. “Well, does the man beat you up?” “No, no,” said Mrs. O’Connor, looking puzzled. “Oi’m always first out […]
Losing a wife can be hard. In most cases, it is damned near impossible.
What letters are not in the alphabet? The ones in the mail, of course!