What does it mean to come home to a man who’ll give you some love and tenderness?You’re in the wrong house.
Why don’t women work as long and as hard as men in the office?They do it right first time.
Q: How do you keep your husband from reading your e-mail?A: Rename the mail folder to “instruction manuals”
Q: How does a man keep his youth?A: By giving her money, furs and diamonds.
Q: What’s the best way to kill a man?A: Put a naked woman and a six-pack in front of him. Then tell him to pick only one.
Q. What does it mean when a man is in your bed gasping for breath and calling your name?A. You didn’t hold the pillow down long enough.
Q. Why do men buy electric lawn mowers? A. So they can find their way back to the house.
Q. How many men does it take to wallpaper a bathroom? A. Three, if you slice them very thinly.
Q. Why is it so hard for women to find men that are sensitive, caring, and good-looking? A. Because those men already have boyfriends.
Q. What’s the fastest way to a man’s heart? A. Through his chest with a sharp knife.
Q. Why do men like love at first site? A. It saves them a lot of time.