Short bad funny jokes - Page 248

Men jokes

How do you scare a man? Sneak …

12 Mar , 2012  

How do you scare a man? Sneak up behind him and start throwing rice.

Men jokes

There are only two four letter…

12 Mar , 2012  

There are only two four letter words that are offensive to men:”don’t” and “stop”.

Men jokes

Men are like animals: messy, i…

12 Mar , 2012  

Men are like animals: messy, insensitive andpotentially violent, but they make great pets.

Men jokes

There are a lot of words you c…

12 Mar , 2012  

There are a lot of words you can use to describe men: strong, caring, loving.They’d be wrong, but you could still use them.

Men jokes

One night a wife found her hus…

12 Mar , 2012  

One night a wife found her husband standing over their baby’s crib. Silently she watched him. As he stood looking down at the sleeping infant, she saw on his face a mixture of emotions: disbelief, doubt, delight, amazement, enchantment, skepticism.Touched by this unusual display and the deep emotions it aroused, with eyes glistening she slipped […]

Men jokes

Give a man a fish and he will …

12 Mar , 2012  

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.Teach him how to fish and he will sitin a boat and drink beer all day.

Men jokes

Why do little boys whine?Becau…

12 Mar , 2012  

Why do little boys whine?Because they’re practicing to be men.

Men jokes

Why did God create a man befor…

12 Mar , 2012  

Why did God create a man before a women?You need a rough draft before you have a final copy.

Men jokes

Man says to God: “God, why did…

12 Mar , 2012  

Man says to God: “God, why did you make woman so beautiful?”God says: “So you would love her.” “But God,” the man says, “why did you make her so dumb?”God says: “So she would love you.” “But God,” the man says, “why did you make her so dumb?”God says: “So she would love you.”

Men jokes

What do you call a man who has…

12 Mar , 2012  

What do you call a man who has lost 95% of his brainpower?A widower.

Men jokes

What did God say after she mad…

12 Mar , 2012  

What did God say after she made Eve?”Practice makes perfect.”

Men jokes

What do you do if your boyfrie…

12 Mar , 2012  

What do you do if your boyfriend walks out?Close the door.