Short bad funny jokes - Page 236

Military jokes

As he was drilling a batch of …

3 Apr , 2012  

As he was drilling a batch of recruits, the sergeant saw that one of them was marching out of step. Walking up next to the man as they marched, he said sarcastically: “Do you know they are all out of step except you?””What?” asked the recruit innocently.”I said — they are all out of step […]

Military jokes

A general noticed one of his s…

3 Apr , 2012  

A general noticed one of his soldiers behaving oddly. The soldier would pick up any piece of paper he found, frown and say, “That’s not it” and put it down again. This went on for some time, until the general arranged to have the soldier psychologically tested. The psychologist concluded that the soldier was deranged, […]

Military jokes

A trio of old veterans were br…

3 Apr , 2012  

A trio of old veterans were bragging about the heroic exploits of their ancestors one afternoon down at the VFW hall. “My great grandfather, at age 13,” one declared proudly, “was a drummer boy at Shiloh.””Mine,” boasts another, “went down with Custer at the Battle of Little Big Horn.””I’m the only soldier in my family,” […]

Military jokes

While practicing auto-rotation…

3 Apr , 2012  

While practicing auto-rotations during a military night training exercise, a Huey Cobra messes up and lands on its tail rotor.The landing is so hard it breaks off the tail boom. However, the chopper fortunately remains upright on its skids, sliding down the runway, doing 360s.As the Cobra slides past the tower, trailing a brilliant shower […]

Military jokes

It was a dark, stormy, night. …

3 Apr , 2012  

It was a dark, stormy, night. The Marine was on his first assignment, and it was guard duty. A General stepped out taking his dog for a walk. The nervous young Private snapped to attention, made a perfectsalute, and snapped out, “Sir, Good Evening, Sir!”The General, out for some relaxation, returned the salute and said […]

Military jokes

One Sunday morning, the priest…

3 Apr , 2012  

One Sunday morning, the priest noticed Little Johnny was staring up at the large plaque that hung in the foyer of the church. It was covered with names, and small American flags were mounted on either side of it. The seven-year old had been staring at the plaque for some time, so the priest walked […]

Military jokes

On some air bases the Air Forc…

3 Apr , 2012  

On some air bases the Air Force is on one side of the field and civilian aircraft use the other side of the field, with the control tower in the middle.One day the tower received a call from an aircraft asking, “What time is it?”The tower responded, “Who is calling?”The aircraft replied, “What difference does […]

Military jokes

The reason the Air Force, Army…

3 Apr , 2012  

The reason the Air Force, Army, Navy and Marines bicker amongst themselves is that they don’t speak the same language. For instance, Take the simple phrase “secure the building”.The Army will post guards around the place.The Navy will turn out the lights and lock the doors.The Marines will kill everybody inside and set up a […]

Military jokes

Airman Jones was assigned to t…

3 Apr , 2012  

Airman Jones was assigned to the induction center, where he advised new recruits about their government benefits, especially their GI insurance. It wasn’t long before Captain Smith noticed that Airman Jones was having a staggeringly high success-rate, sellinginsurance to nearly 100% of the recruits he advised. Rather than ask about this, the Captain stood in […]

Military jokes

The cavalryman was galloping d…

3 Apr , 2012  

The cavalryman was galloping down the road, rushing to catch up with his regiment. Suddenly his horse stumbled and pitched him to the ground. Lying in the dirt with a broken leg, terrified of the approachingenemy, the soldier called out: “All you saints in heaven, help me get up on my horse!”Then, with superhuman effort, […]

Military jokes

A drill sergeant had just chew…

3 Apr , 2012  

A drill sergeant had just chewed out one of his cadets, and as he was walking away, he turned to the cadet and said, “I guess when I die you’ll come and dance on my grave.” The cadet replied, “Not me, Sarge…no sir! I promised myself that when I got out of the Army I’d […]

Military jokes

One of my husband’s duties as …

3 Apr , 2012  

One of my husband’s duties as a novice drill instructor at Fort Jackson, S.C., was to escort new recruits to the mess hall. After everyone had made it through the chow line, he sat them down and told them, “There are three rules in this mess hall: Shut up! Eat up! Get up!”Checking to see […]