The story goes that Air Force One was over the UK a few years ago and called up a USAF base “Requesting Radar”. “What is you position?” asked ATC “You got radar you find us” Air Force One replied. After a few minutes ATC announced “Air Force One we’re changing frequency” “What frequency are you […]
Q. “Why do the commodes in Marine barracks have the cut-out type seats?” A. “So that if the seat falls while they’re drinking, it won’t smack them in the back of the head”
Q. “Why does the Navy put Marines on board ships?” A. “Because sheep would be too obvious”
A general calls a colonel:- Do you have a couple of smart majors?- Yes I do.- Send them to me. I need to move my furniture around.
A soldier keeps a mug upside down and tells the sergeant:- I can’t drink from this mug. It has no opening.The sergeant examines the mug and says:- You are right. And besides this, it has no bottom.
Father Murphy walked into a pub and said to the first Marine he met, “Do you want to go to heaven?” The Marine said, “I do Father.” The priest said, “Leave this pub right now!” He then approached a second Marine. “Do you want to got to heaven?” “Certainly, Father,” was the Marine’s reply. “Then […]
This is the difference between a lousy Golfer and a lousy Parachutist. The lousy Golfer goes splash then damn. The lousy Parachutist goes damn then splash.
A recruit examines the food served to him in the batallion dining room.- Do I have any choice here, he asks a sergeant.- Yes, you do. You may eat it or not.
I was an Air Force ICBM launch control officer in South Dakota. Two officers pulled 24-hour alerts in a launch control center that was surrounded by several Minuteman II silos. The facility and the silos were separated by several miles. We were not allowed to leave the “capsule” until relieved the next day, and we […]
A Maintenance Battalion in Germany had just received a brand new Executive Officer, an Armor Major. The Major proceeded to issue new SOP directives (Standard Operating Procedures) that WOULD be followed under all circumstances. One of these directives was that NO ONE over the rank of Staff Sergeant would drive their own vehicle, that was […]
A trooper asks a sergeant:- Is it true that man descended from a monkey?- Yes, troopers possibly were. But not sergeants.