If you want to get rich, why should you keep your mouth shut?Because silence is golden.
If a fifty cent piece and a quarter were on the Empire State Building, which would jump off first?The quarter, because it has less sense (cents).
How did the man feel when he got a big bill from the electric company? He was shocked.
Why did Robin Hood steal from the rich ?Because the poor didn’t have any !
Farmer: What would you do if a bull charged you?Mary: I’d pay whatever it charged.
Martin ended a letter to his dad with this question, ‘Is Washington’s picture still on the dollar bill?’His Father wrote back, ‘Of course it is. Why do you ask?’Martin answered, ‘Because it’s been so long since I’ve seen one!’
One evening, a Counselor saw Max on his hands and knees. ‘What are you doing?’ she asked.’I’m looking for my dollar bill,’ Max replied. ‘I lost it down the road.”Why don’t you look for it there?”Because the light’s better here!’
‘I can’t find my dollar bill,’ Jane sobbed.’Don’t worry,’ her Counselor said. ‘A dollar doesn’t go very far today.’
Visitor: You’re very quiet, Jennifer.Jennifer: Well, my mum gave me a dollar not to say anything about your red nose.