What did the big, hairy monster do when he lost a hand? He went to the second-hand shop.
Did you hear about the monster who lost all his hair in the war? He lost it in a hair raid.
What makes an ideal present for a monster? Five pairs of gloves one for each hand.
How can you tell if a monster has a glass eye? Because it comes out in conversation
Boy: Did you know you can get fur from a three headed mountain monster? Girl: Really? What kind of fur? Boy: As fur away as possible!
What should you call a polite, friendly, kind, good looking monster? A failure.
How do you communicate with the Loch Ness Monster at 20,000 fathoms?Drop him a line.
What do you get if you cross a plum with a man eating monster?A purple people eater.
HWhy did the monster lie on his back? To trip up low-flying aircraft.
Did you hear about the monster who had twelve arms and no legs? He was all fingers and thumbs.