Why did the monster drink ten liters of antifreeze? So that he didn’t have to buy a winter coat.
Why did the monster take a dead man for a drive in his car? Because he was a car-case.
Did you hear about the monster with one eye at the back of his head, and one at the front? He was terribly moody because he couldn’t see eye to eye with himself.
A monster walked into the council rent office with a $5 note stuck in one ear and a $10 note in the other. You see, he was $15 in arrears.
Did you hear about the monster who had an extra pair of hands? Where did he keep them? In a handbag.mons
Did you hear about the monster who sent his picture to a lonely hearts club? They sent it back saying they weren’t that lonely!
What happened when the monster stole a bottle of perfume? He was convicted of fragrancy.
How did the world’s tallest monster become short overnight? Someone stole all his money.
What can a monster do that you can’t do? Count up to 25 on his fingers.
Why was the big, hairy, two-headed monster top of the class at school? Because two heads are better than one.
Why did the monster paint himself in rainbow colors? Because he wanted to hide in the crayon box.