Why are monsters huge and hairy and ugly?-Because if they were small and round and smooth they’d be M&M’s
What kind of monster is safe to put in the washing machine?-A wash and wear wolf
Frankenstein: Help, I’ve got a short circuit! Igor: Don’t worry, I’ll lengthen it.
What do you get if a huge hairy monster steps on Batman and Robin ?Flatman and Ribbon !
What did Dr Frankenstein get when he put his goldfish’s brain in the body of his dog? I don’t know, but it is great at chasing submarines.
What did one of Frankenstein’s ears say to the other? I didn’t know we lived on the same block.
Where does the bride of Frankenstein have her hair done? At the ugly parlour.
What was the inscription on the tomb of Frankenstein’s monster?HERE LIES FRANKENSTEIN’S MONSTER. MAY HE REST IN PIECES.
What kind of book did Frankenstein’s monster like to read? One with a cemetery plot.
Why did Frankenstein’s monster give up boxing?Because he didn’t want to spoil his looks.
What’s the difference between Frankenstein and boiled potatoes? You can’t mash Frankenstein.