Pig jokes
27 Apr , 2013
What is a pigs favourite ballet?Swine Lake!
What instrument do piggys play in a band? Pigcussion!
What goes “knio, knio?” A backward pig.
What does a pig use to write his term papers with?Pen and Oink!
What do you say to a naked pig? “I never sausage a body.”
What do you give a sick pig?Oinkment!
What do you get when you cross a pig with an elephant? A very large animal that knows a lot of jokes.
What do you get when you cross a pig with a canary? I don’t know, but when it sits on your electric wire and sings, all your lights go out
What do you do for a pig with sore muscles?Rub him with oinkment.
What do you call the story of The Three Little Pigs? A pig tail!
What do you call pigs in a demolition derby? Crashing boars.
What do you call an oversize motorcycle for pigs? A hog hog.