Q: What’s the difference between Janet Reno and a school bus driver?A: The bus driver stops to let the kids out.
The major difference between death and taxes is that Congress can’t make death any worse than it is.
Q: How many helicopters does it take for White House aides to go play a round of golf?A: Depends on how many were photographed.
Q: Why did the Davidians commit suicide?A: They were trying to keep up with the Joneses.
Q: Why are there more jokes about Waco than Jonestown?A: The punch lines were too long in Jonestown.
Q: What do a Wendy’s Hamburger and the Waco compound have in common?A: They were both cooked by a guy named “Dave”.
Q: What is the difference between a liberal and a puppy?A: A puppy stops whining after it grows up.
Q: What is the only thing worse than an incompetent liberal President?A: A competent liberal President.
Q: Why do liberals travel in threes?A: One to read, one to write and the other one to keep an eye on both intellectuals.
Q: What’s a conservative?A: A liberal who made it through adolescence.
It has been said that the United States has the best congressmen money can buy.