Teacher, I can’t solve this problem.Any five year old should be able to solve this one.No wonder I can’t do it then, I’m nearly ten!
Teacher: You copies from Fred’s exam paper didn’t you?Pupil: How did you know?Teacher: Fred’s paper says “I don’t know” and you have put “Me, neither”!
Teacher: I hope I didn’t see you looking at Fred’s test paper.Pupil: I hope you didn’t see me either!
Teacher: What family does the octopus belong to?Pupil: Nobody I know!
Did you hear about the cross eyed teacher?He couldn’t control his pupils!
Why did the teacher wear sunglasses?Because his class was so bright!
Why was the headmaster worried?Because there were too many rulers in school!
Teacher: Didn’t you hear me call you?Pupil: But you said not to answer you back!
Teacher: This is the third time I’ve had to tell you off this week, what have you got to say about that?Pupil: Thank heavens it’s Friday!
Mother: What did you learn in school todaySon: How to write Mother: What did you write?Son: I don’t know, they haven’t taught us how to read yet!
An ideal homework excuseTeacher: Where is your homework?Pupil: Our furnace stopped working and we had to burn it to stop ourselves from freezing