Teacher: Where is the English Channel ?Pupil: I don’t know, my TV doesn’t pick it up
Playing truant from school is like a credit cardFun now, pay later !
Be sure that you go straight home after schoolI can’t, I live just round the corner !
The brain is a wonder ful thingWhy do you say that ? Because it starts working the second you get up in the morning and never stops until you get asked a question in class !
Teacher: I’d like to go through one whole day without having to tell you off.Pupil: You have my permission !
Teacher: Why didn’t you answer me ?Pupil: I did, I shook my headTeacher: You don’t expect me to hear it rattling from here do you !
Our teacher talks to herself does yours ?Yes, but she does’t realise it, she thinks we’re actually listening !
Teacher: That’s quite a cough you have there, what are you taking for it ?Pupil: I don’t know teacher. What will you give me ?
Why were you late ?Sorry, teacher, I overslept.You mean you need to sleep at home too !
Mother: Did you enjoy the school outing, dear ?Jane: Yes, and we’re going again tomorrow.Mother: Really ? Why’s that ?Jane: To try and find the kids we left behind.
‘Ann!’ the teacher shouted one day at the girl who had been daydreaming out the window. ‘If India has the world’s second largest population, oranges are 50 cents for six and it costs $3 for a day return to Austin, how old am I ?’Thirty two!”Why did you say that ?”Well, my brother’s sixteen and […]